Monday, December 14, 2009
A New Season
Northeastern's team is tough and has lots of potential. We are a D-3 school and wrestle against a lot of D-1 and D-2 schools and still win. Our first meet was against Lima Catholic Central and West Liberty-Salem. Baylor is wrestling at 135. He beat the LCC kid, a senior. WLS didn't have anyone in his weight class.
At the Duals this weekend, Baylor went 8 - 1, losing only to the opponent from Covington. He placed second in his weight class. The team placed third, right behind Covington and Fairborn. It was a great weekend.
Ethan got home from college on Friday, also. Now we have a house full of young men. It's great to have him home again. He will be home for about a month.
As for Christmas, well I am having a tough time getting out to do any shopping. I need to get done this week so I can finish decorating the house. Not today, though! We have a booster meeting at 7 tonight.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
They will know
Well, let me tell you. They know. They know if there is 500 people in the stands. They know if they are concentrating on what they are doing. They know. Not only do they know, their friends know.
When Ethan was in 8th grade, I got to a game right before half time, just in time to watch him intercept a pass and run it in for a touchdown. I was walking in and could just tell it was him. I couldn't see his number really well, but a mom knows how their kids move.
I was screaming and cheering, as were some friends. In the next play, some of Ethan's friends told him 'Hey your mom just got here.', to which he replyed 'Yeah, I could hear her too.'.
Flash forward a few years to Kelly's high school band concerts. She looks into the stands to see where we (Grandma Penny and I) are sitting. She looks up, winks and there's a little wave. She is looking to see if we are there.
A little further ahead. Baylor is wrestling at Mechanicsburg. Just as the match ends and he wins, he looks around, just as I am running into the gym to watch. The smile on his face is larger after he sees me.
Last weekend I went to Baldwin Wallace to watch Ethan in his last (for this year) reserve game. It was a 3+ hour drive, but he was playing. It is important. I got there after the game started. Some day, I will be able to judge how long it takes to get up to Wooster/ Cleveland. During the game, I didn't see him look into the stands. Not once. He was busy playing ball.
After the game, he was looking around. You know the look, if you are a parent, kind of looking around knowing someone is there. 'I was looking for your red hat.' he said. Sometime during the game, he saw me in the stands. He didn't think I would be there, but he was watching anyway. It is important. They know when you are there and when you aren't.
If you are a parent, please remember to show up. You don't have to comment on mistakes, or praise successes. They know when you travel for hours to watch them stand on the sidelines. Just be there. They will know.
Monday, September 28, 2009
College and such
Ethan is at the College of Wooster and Baylor is a sophomore this year.
Kelly is living with her BF. I don't know if that's good or bad, but that's where she is.
Ethan is living on campus and playing football. I try to get to a game a week, but it's a 2 1/2 hour drive up there. It is a beautiful drive and a lovely campus. Their marching band is really good. Ethan is primarily playing Junior Varsity, but has to dress for Varsity as well. He ran in a 'pick 6' on the 20th, so he officially scored a TD in college. Not too shabby. I always like going up to watch the games. It's fun and if I don't have anyone with me, I usually talk to whoever is around. Mom has gone up with me once.
Baylor is liking school about as much as he will ever like school. His interims weren't too bad, with mostly b's and c's and a few a's. I'm happy.
I am taking Ethics of Everyday Life this semester. It's a pretty interesting course, and I think it will be more so now that we are through the 'introductory' stage. Still working on knitting projects and reading books from the library. Busy busy busy.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Week at the fair (part 2)

See how pretty she is? Crazy as a bedbug.
I think the Expo center is haunted. The darker photo before this on my camera shows 4 orbs. I think this is what spooks the calves.
Later our 4H club worked the ice cream tent. Several of our members suggested we sign up for two sessions next year. That sounds like a good idea and a chance for everyone to be involved.
Monday, July 27th
Today is the slow day. Not much going on, except preparing for the rest of the week.
Tuesday July 28
Baylor was officer of the day for FFA. We monitored the salad booth and worked 7 - 9. Savannah, Baylor's GF, showed her goats and did really well. She is goat ambassador this year. She's so cute. Savannah and Baylor are a cute couple. They have the same attitude.
Adult make n take was today. Kelly helped me. We decorated reusable shopping bags. It was a huge hit. We went over time and used all 25 bags.
Wednesday, July 29 (beef day)
Baylor showed in the first class. He placed 2nd with Victor. Go figure. That calf was so crazy. Guess it's B's year for crazy. Ethan got 4th with Deeds.
After the show, it was Margaritaville at the trailer. We got together for food and drinks to say 'Thank goodness that's done'. It was great fun.
Thursday, July 30
Well, no show for use today. I went to the fair about 5 to vote and pick up Steve. This is weird having so much 'stay at home' time.
Friday July 31 (the saddest day)
Animals are rapidly leaving the fairgrounds. Pens are cleaned and everyone is getting ready for the scrambles. Baylor is in the scramble, but didn't get a calf. He was really upset, but I think a lot of that is from being stomped early in the week. Time to start thinking of next year.

Saturday August 1
Official clean up day. Tumbleweeds of trash blow across the midway where yesterday there were food booths and rides. No one is here except those who make the fair work. Projects are picked up and we all start to plan for 2010. We say our goodbyes and tell stories of the week. Since we all see it from different perspectives, we all have different stories. The stories see us through until next year, making us laugh and cry. They are our hope and dream. Our plan and our ideas. Next year, we all say, I will do better.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A week at the fair (part 1)
So as a recounting, here is what happened at the fair this year:
Wednesday, July 22
Fair set up day! This is the day we go to the fairgrounds and set up the barns so we are able to get our animals in on Friday, quickly and easily. Our 4H club (Livestock Unlimited) had a meeting/pizza party before set up. It's always a good time. Several of our club members participated in the 'Livestock Unlimited Photo Scavenger Hunt'. It's great to see so many involved. Hopefully we will have more in it next year. The winner was one of our Cloverbuds.. Taylor! He was so excited about Clark County Fair survival pack... especially the CAT hat Baylor threw in.

The weather was lousy and cold. It poured. It was miserable and we were using black mulch. By the time we left, we were all covered in black goo, yet everyone was smiling!
We worked until 9 PM. After a day at work, that was more than enough.
On Thursday, we had time to rest, eat and get ready. This was my last day to work, so I was really excited. The first day to set up is always so exciting. It's hard to sleep.
Friday, July 24th - The day of hope and promise:
Today is the official start of the fair. We start by setting up our 4H booth. Everyone pitches in and has fun. This year's theme is Hometown Pride shared Countywide. We already completed a HUGE map of Clark County, with each township a different color. Part of the scavenger hunt gave points for photos of anything that said a township name. We were hoping to get all the townships. The only one we didn't have was Green township. Not bad!
It took about 5 hours to set up our booth, but I think a lot of it was the details we put together. We had flower pots with each township name in them. Ten in all! It was a lot of work making them. The girls did a great job. (Note to self: Change camera batteries BEFORE the fair!).
Here are some photos of the booth set up:

I know you can't see it well, but almost all the townships are marked with photos of something with a township name, either a road sign, side of a fire truck, some patches, etc. The club was very creative.
In the afternoon, I went to the Arts & Crafts building and helped set up there. From 2 until 8, we accepted entries. We had 511 entries in our department alone. Only 19 were absolute no-shows. (yes, I was one of them!). Then we organized from 8 until 11. It is a lot of walking, climbing up and down ladders, etc.
Saturday, July 25th
OK, as busy as we were last night, we were just as busy Saturday morning. Open class judging started at 9. I was working with the Children's judges. It was fun, but we all felt a little rushed.
We were done with judging well before 1 PM. Then we had to try to figure out where to put everything and display it well. As always, it worked out. After standing on the concrete for so many hours, my whole body ached. We didn't have much else going on so I went home to nap thinking I would come back later. I slept for 4 hours, so I decided to stay home and rest to get a good start to the week.
I will post more about our fair week later.
Friday, June 19, 2009
On traveling scarves and the likes
So, for the uninitiated... what is a traveling scarf?
Well, you get a group of 8 to 10 people together and each of you starts a starter of a pre-determined length. You send it to the next person down the line with your preferences (yarn preferences, pattern preferences, etc) and a journal. The next person adds their little bit to it and sends it off to the next person. Eventually, everyone in the circle knits on your item and you receive it back.
Of course, you are supposed to move these on every two weeks, but that never seems to happen. Something bogs down the process and before long you are behind the power curve. Right now I have two (yes two!) from the Ohio Traveling Scarf group at my home. I am hoping to watch some movies tonight and work on at least one of them. Plus, I am making little goodies to go with them.
Anway, here are some photos of the Eastern Traveling scarves:

This is a closeup of the most recent. It is for Knitterphd. She wants purples. I don't really have a lot of purple. but this was good. I used the King Charles Brocade Stitch. It worked out great.
Here is the whole shebang:

Now for some others! Here is Sophistakintta's. She is 14, so I had to do something fun and funky. Here is a close up:

And this is the whole business. Yes, I went a little overboard and doubled the size of the thing. Who would have guessed?

I don't have a close up of my work on this one. I am also missing j3ssic4's scarf from the photos. I don't know where they are. WIll have to do some research to find them, because I photograph all the scarves I do.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Conversion complete (almost)
So, my fearless co-worker and I have spent the last 7 months working about 35 hours per week on cleaning up the database: removing duplicate records, fixing self-employed records, and overall cleaning up the database. Now the end of cleaning is near. That's not to say that the database is clean, far from it. We still have thousands of corporate records that have no address, thousands that should probably be removed, hundreds that could have been linked to a corresponding record on the other side. Plus doing our regular jobs for 12 hours a week.
Why didn't this happen? Well, our administrator did not want us working on it all that much. She wanted us to maintain our daily jobs as well as do this. Actually, I believe she sabatoged the whole thing. This database could have been wonderful, but instead it's great.
Anywho, in other news, Ethan had a wonderful Spring sports season. He finished 3rd in the area in the 100 meter dash, his 4 x200 relay finished 2nd in the area, and he finished 5th in the area in batting. Yes, he ran track and played baseball. Not bad. He is going to the College of Wooster and is really excited. He received his training manual for their football team, but is still running track. His 4x100 team is going to Regionals. Plus, he is in training for the Miami Valley All-Stars football team, playing June 12. He is having a wonderful senior year.
Kelly is still looking for a job. I hope she finds one soon. She really needs to get some bills paid.
Baylor is working for Folck Family Farms this summer, picking berries and such. One of his wrestling buddies works there, also. He is hoping to earn enough to modify his truck. He gets his license in about 20 days.
We are working to get things together for the fair, and all other things are good.
Monday, April 6, 2009
More spring stuff
Steve had me go out to Catawba to pick up Baylor so we could get Momma and baby in the maternity pen. When Baylor checked Diedre, she had hooves sticking out of her. Steve came home because she was having a tough time. Baylor and I got her in the pull shoot. They pulled a while and there was the biggest calf we have ever had on our farm... Tan Man. He's so cute. I really need to post some photos.
As always, there are a few problems. Chicago has an infected navel and Henry isn't feeling to well. He probably picked up some bacteria from a puddle.
As for Super Doggie Dog... well, when Ethan was gone, he injured his front two paws. Not enough to go to the vet, but it was really sensitive and, like Ethan with his sprained ankle, he lay on the couch for almost a week. He started feeling better just about the day we were to pick up Ethan.
Where was Ethan? He went to Spain France and Italy for a 12 day trip with his Spanish class. He had a great time, but lost his camera somewhere. His friends are going to get him copies of their photos.
Ethan started his final sports season at NE. He is running track and playing baseball. The baseball team is 0 - 6, but the track team is doing great. In his first ever track meet, he placed 3rd in the 100 and 200 and 2nd in the long jump. This past weekend was his second meet. He placed first in the 100, 2nd in the 200 (by a tenth of a second), 1st in the 4x100 relay, and 5th in long jump. He wished now he had run track sooner.
Kelly is still doing well in school and Baylor is anxiously awaiting school to be over so he can get his license.
I am involved in a couple of traveling scarf projects and am really enjoying them. It's a fun way to get to know new people. I really need to figure out my camera to post photos...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The burns on my hand and leg have healed nicely. They are still brown and look weird, but should be not quite so icky come summer. That's all I care about.
My class has been delightfully fun and thought provoking. We have finished In Our Time by Hemingway and are headed into Spring Break. Not that I will get to go anywhere. There is still work to do and all spring break does is free up my time to work more.
Kelly is getting her act together (I hope) and starting to get into the college thing. I am beginning to see a definite plus for living on campus as there is more incentive to work as a college student, not as a high school graduate, if you know what I mean.
Ethan has been accepted at Wabash, Wilmington and Capital. He is waiting for Wooster to contact him to see what money they are offering. I think it's wonderful he has to choose. Tomorrow we are going to Casey's for a dinner with the National Football Foundation Springfield Chapter. He is receiving a scholarship from them. Next week he leaves for Spain. What a great way to live.
Baylor finished 6th in sectionals in wrestling. This means he just missed moving on to regionals. About 7 boys did go on, but none are going to state. It's kind of sad, really. I thought a few of them would go on, but not so.
We have at last count 4 calves born. Honey had a heifer calf on February 13 that Steve calls Starshine. Shanik had hers on 22, a bull shorthorn calf name Henry. Roxie had a heifer on the 23. Baylor calls her Ruby because she looks just like Roxie. Patchy Cow had a heifer on the 27, but I haven't heard her name yet.
So things have been very busy on the farm lately. Spring is coming, even though it's 20 degrees today.
Friday, January 23, 2009
New year, new class
As the oldest person in the class, I have a different perspective on the book than the rest of the students. I find I am really looking within to find the meaning behind the story.
In other news, wrestling is going well. We are not always winning, but we have one senior, three juniors and the rest are freshman and sophomores. Baylor is doing OK, with his record being 13 - 12. He is going to be working with the Pee Wee wrestlers on Sunday. He should really like that. There are a few kids on the Pee Wee team he knows through 4H. They think he is great.
Ethan just got back from Denver. He had a wonderful trip. His photos were fun to look at and the videos were really great. Kelly and I had a good time laughing at the antics of Ethan, Brandon, Josh and Lance.
Kelly is doing all right. I hope her classes are going well, but you never know. She is without a license right now so she is relying on the kindness of her family to get to and from school.
Have a great weekend all.