Tomorrow I will post more about the set up and the fair in general.
Tomorrow I will post more about the set up and the fair in general.
I thought about this one for scenery. I love the color and textures. It's so cool.
It should be an interesting fair. I need to call Donna this weekend and see if she contacted judges yet. I need to contact the manager at the Hallmark store and get her some passes, since I didn't get them to her last year. I also need to figure out an adult Make N Take.
Next week we will finish dying at the 4H meeting. We've had some beautiful shirts. I have some great photos of those as well. I need to get them off my camera to share. I may take one of those for the 'scenery'.
If you are going out to the Clark County Fair in Springfield OH, stop by and say hi! I will be out there all day every day. It's a lot of work, but a lot of fun. If you don't come out, for whatever reason, say a little prayer for my poor, poor feet. I always end up with sore feet at the end of the fair.
There were spinners and other artists:
And fiber, lots and lots of fiber:
I bought enough to make several things: a cardigan from Creatively Dyed's Beaches in Waya a vest in Lamb's Pride in Aubergrine (kind of a wine color), and a summer tank in a silk/merino blend in a dusty aqua.
Plus some other fun stuff. It was great.
Guess that's about it.
Wrestling is going well. Baylor has lost a few and won a few. He placed third at the London Harry S. Steele Tournament last weekend. Not to bad, in my book. He is now 18 - 4. One more and he ties last year's record.
Ethan is back at school taking Bio, Chem, Africana Studies and Black History. He wasn't too sure about the Africana Studies or Black History but says he has learned a ton already. He sounded really excited.
I, too, am back at school taking America Literary Survey. We have touched on Emerson and Thoreau. I have to go home and READ tonight, plus make some banana muffins for the team for tomorrow.