To get caught up, here's a run down of what I've done since I last wrote:
In April, Kelly and I went to Indianapolis for the Greencastle Fiber Arts Event. We stayed with some friends of Cheryl's and had an absolute ball, marred only by the fact that I had to be back in Springfield for the Master Gardener's Spring Fling on Saturday, but that was fun, too. We ate, drank some really good wine, spent $$$ at the fiber event and Kelly even started a pair of socks AND a shawl. Both are coming along nicely.
April 17th was our Golden Splendor - a wonderful event held at our high school. We had lots of really great items for sale, had record attendance, and made some serious money for the Boosters. We really need it because this is our biggest fundraiser of the year. If your local high school has a dinner auction event, please attend and support the organization. Too many schools are desperate to keep athletics and other after school activities going. I know a lot of people think school should be about education, but these programs provide education as well - education in perserverance, teamwork, socialization, organization, work ethics and leadership - all things we need in our future adults. Just think what our world will be like if we raise a generation of followers and no leaders.
Baylor went to Prom with his girlfriend Ashley. Baylor wore a tux and his wrestling coach allowed him to borrow his Miata. They looked so good all dressed up. Ashley's Mom and I took lots of photos: at her house, at the park at Marriott. I'm sure we were the only ones following our children around.
At the beginning of May, I went to Virginia with my sibs and cousins. Mom and I went from Ohio; Lou, Aunt June, Jo and Dee from Pennsylvania and Laura from South Carolina all met up and had so much fun. There was food and wine. I'm beginning to see a pattern here. It was great and while I didn't have any fiber artists with me, Dee, Laura and Jo worked on scrapbooking while I knitted. We talked and laughed.
So that brings me to the Great Lakes Fiber Arts event we went to last weekend. The Depot Fiber Arts group went along with a few friends from Greencastle. It was a ball. Wooster has a wonderful fiber event that includes sheep shows, vendor shows and classes, as well as 'free' events for anyone interested. It was fun.
And that brings me to photos! Kelly and Robyn went with us. They had a great time, although they were sleep deprived:

Our whole group had a great time, especially at Creatively Dyed Yarn! Diane is a wonderful young woman with a great eye for color.

There were spinners and other artists:

And fiber, lots and lots of fiber:

I bought enough to make several things: a cardigan from Creatively Dyed's Beaches in Waya a vest in Lamb's Pride in Aubergrine (kind of a wine color), and a summer tank in a silk/merino blend in a dusty aqua.
Plus some other fun stuff. It was great.
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