I thought about this one for scenery. I love the color and textures. It's so cool.
It should be an interesting fair. I need to call Donna this weekend and see if she contacted judges yet. I need to contact the manager at the Hallmark store and get her some passes, since I didn't get them to her last year. I also need to figure out an adult Make N Take.
Next week we will finish dying at the 4H meeting. We've had some beautiful shirts. I have some great photos of those as well. I need to get them off my camera to share. I may take one of those for the 'scenery'.
If you are going out to the Clark County Fair in Springfield OH, stop by and say hi! I will be out there all day every day. It's a lot of work, but a lot of fun. If you don't come out, for whatever reason, say a little prayer for my poor, poor feet. I always end up with sore feet at the end of the fair.