I love independent workers, people who are entrepreneurs. Not surprising because I have been surrounded by them all my life. My father, my husband, my son, cousins and friends. It seems like many people in my life are working on their own, full or part time. We've never been without jobs because we would create our own.
But this is an opportunity to enjoy those who design. So fire up your needles and hooks, organize your independently dyed yarns and get ready for the Independent Designers Gift Along!
So what is this thing I speak of? Well, are you on Ravelry? If not, and if you are or want to work with fibers, you should be. It's free (best price ever!) and a great way to expand your skills, learn new skills, meet people who have similar experiences and enjoy knowing you are not the only one who has 10 totes of yarn and more needles than your family would ever know about.
Anyways, once you are in Ravelry, search for the Indie Design Gift-A-Long and join the group. Don't be overwhelmed by the enormous amount of posts per day. Don't try to catch up, just read the last few pages and jump in. Luckily Ravelry will let you know when someone replies to your posts. And you WILL get replies. People who understand why you needed 6 skeins of yummy fingering weight despite your 150 skeins at home. People who will share recipes, ask for photos of your dogs, want to see what you are working on, people who will give you validation as only another fiber artist can do. It's glorious!
But what is more glorious is that on November 21 at 8 PM EST, the REAL fun starts. Many independent designers who want nothing more than the opportunity to allow you to enjoy a great pattern written by an individual with a unique vision will offer some of their patterns at a discount. A Discount, people!! Hundreds of patterns available to you at a low cost. The patterns I have acquired in my three years on this group is mind boggling. There are designers I follow and I feel I know who they are. I've seen their designs, talked about their families, compared other designers we like, talked about dyers we liked. Because these designers don't just offer their wares and disappear. Oh, no. They are part of the group!
Another reason to be part of the group is the games, the prizes, the friendships. Wait, did I say PRIZES!! Yes, yes I did. There are games and competitions. There are opportunities to win goodies. You not only get the opportunity to buy great patterns at a discount, knit or crochet a WONDERFUL gift for a friend, family member, or yourself AND win prizes.
So how do you win said prizes? Once you join the IDGAL (the acronym), buy your pattern, and get started, stay with the group. Start your project. Join the group that best describes your item. Enjoy hearing what others are doing and perhaps you will find someone who is making the same pattern. It's always more fun to have someone join you.
Will I see you there? I hope so. I'll be there with my needles at the ready! I'll be discussing this GAL as it gets started. It will be fun!